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Bu Masters Thesis Example College of Arts and Sciences

Chief's students work closely with a supervisor to prepare a thesis proposal for submission to the Graduate Program Committee, to program their thesis enquiry, and to prepare and revise multiple drafts.MA theses are 13,000 - xv,000 words in length (plus notes, title folio, abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, listing of illustrations, figures, bibliography, and appendices where applicable).

Please see the Schoolhouse of Graduate Studies (SGS) main'south thesis page for comprehensive information (deadlines, formatting, exam committee, submission, and graduation), making note of the MA Thesis Submission Deadlines beneath. The Art History MA does non crave an oral defence.

Year 1: Thesis preperation
Supervisor Selection Thesis Proposal Review of sources (ARTH 654)

During kickoff term (fall)

Thesis Supervision Form due December 15

First Monday in March Summer term
Yr 2: Thesis submission
First Total Typhoon to Supervisor Apply to graduate Exam Committee submissionane Spectrum final submission2
Leap Convocation (fugitive winter fees) September i
January 15 November 26 December 31
Spring Convocation November 15 January 15 February 25 Apr 1
Autumn Convocation April 1 July fifteen July 28 September 1

Students should aim to submit their work ahead of these dates whenever possible.

(1) Initial thesis submission to Exam Committee: The Department deadline is 5 weeks before the terminal submission. This is earlier than the SGS deadline. It is the student'due south responsibleness to verify this timeline with their supervisor and examiners.

(2) Terminal submission to Spectrum: One time students take completed all the changes requested by their commission, they will send the finalized thesis to the supervisor in PDF/A format, requesting permission to submit on Spectrum. The supervisor responds, cc'ing the Department Assistant and the Graduate Programme Managing director.  Students submit to Spectrum once they have received this permission.

  1. Students entering the program normally choose a supervisor in their first term of written report and submit a Thesis Supervision Form by December 15.
  2. Students piece of work with their supervisors to fix a thesis proposal for submission to the Graduate Program Commission by the beginning Mon in March.
  3. The main trunk of thesis research is normally conducted during the summertime of the showtime year (ARTH 654). Returning students should schedule a meeting with their supervisors in the beginning 2 weeks of September to determine a thesis plan and writing deadlines.
  4. When the supervisor determines that the text is ready for submission, theses are read by an examining commission, which may require changes.  Once finalized and approved, theses are deposited on Spectrum.
  5. Students may deposit their theses at any time during the twelvemonth, but those wishing to nourish a specific convocation ceremony must encounter sure deadlines.
  6. Unless otherwise agreed, supervisors and readers return written drafts to students within three weeks.

Spring graduation

Students intending to graduate in the spring must deposit their finalized theses in Spectrum by April 1 and have a reader-ready draft complete by February 25.  Considering students will prepare and revise multiple drafts before their text is ready for examination, they are advised to submit a first full typhoon of their thesis to their supervisor no subsequently than November xv, and earlier if possible.

Fall graduation

Students intending to graduate in the jump must eolith their finalized theses in Spectrum by September 1 and have a reader-ready draft completed by July 28, except where faculty members' summer schedules necessitate an earlier submission date.  Because students volition fix and revise multiple drafts before their text is ready for examination, they are advised to submit a showtime full typhoon of their thesis to their supervisor no later than April ane.  Again, summer schedules may necessitate before submission, so extra planning and advice is required, and before submissions are always preferable.

Annotation: The Department of Art History assists students who adhere to these deadlines to meet their target graduation dates. All the same, because it is not possible to predict with certainty the number of drafts a thesis volition require, students should maintain flexibility in their planning.

Applying to graduate

The application to graduate is split from the thesis submission procedure. There are ii graduation application deadlines each twelvemonth:

  • January 15 – June convocation application borderline
  • July 15 – November convocation application borderline

Ready? Apply to graduate!

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