Remote Access VPN: Give Your Employees the Admission They Demand

Let's talk about remote access — and, more specifically, your remote access VPN.

Your office has a network. On this network, you tin can access printers, connect to Information technology resources, transfer data, and more. Information technology's secure and protects your team from sketchy websites.

But so you beginning hiring remote employees.

Remote employees:

  • price the company less (that's ane less desk!)
  • They're frequently more productive.
  • And they're happier!

That's a win for everyone — and then offer remote work is a no-brainer.

The problem is, everyone on your team at the office uses the office network. Information technology provides them with resources and the company with security. Remote workers aren't there to log in — so you demand a remote access VPN.

A remote admission VPN means your remote employees can log on to your office network from anywhere — home, traveling, in transit — that has access to the internet. They so take access to all your visitor resources, and somehow your data is *still* secure, even if they're using (gasp!) public Wifi.

How Remote Access VPN Software Works

How exactly does Access Server accomplish this?

How remote access VPN works is this: you start with an already existing connection. The most logical and popular method of transporting info is the public internet — and then a VPN carries information there. Only anything you send over the cyberspace that isn't protected can be seen by any other people along that path. Anyone on your wifi network could overhear on what you're doing. The simply way to prevent that?


That'southward what Access Server uses. Any you send out on your own Wifi, at your role, or somewhere in between, gets encrypted. That ways only your device and the Access Server in your office know how to read it. To everyone else, information technology'south just a garbled mess.

Encryption is a colonnade of VPNs. When continued to AS with your telephone, any data you lot pull upwards becomes encrypted and unreadable — only then does information technology goes on information technology'southward merry manner across the cyberspace

While it'south in transit there, no one can sympathise information technology — it's simply garbled nonsense. Access Server, withal, has keys to united nations-encrypt information technology, which is how it can read it. Any info then sent back to your device from Admission Server is encrypted as well, so that anything that goes over that connexion in either direction is unreadable to anyone else.

Allow'southward expect at an instance.

Closed Captioning Courtesy of OpenVPN Access Server: Remote Access to LAN

A nonprofit corporation provides closed captioning for broadcast, opening up television receiver admission to the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. They have offices in 2 The states states and a remote data center, and the bulk of their staff piece of work remotely — keeping their organization operating 24/vii.

Their bug:

  • The remote staff needs to connect reliably to any of the three facilities to admission specialized software/services.
  • Should a resources at any site give the Captioner concern, they need to be able to apace redirect to a different facility to minimize explanation loss (especially when captioning live events!)
  • Employees utilize Windows operating organisation exclusively, and then any solution needs to back up Windows.

Our solution: OpenVPN Access Server.

Remote staff now accept efficient access to all iii facilities.

  • Because of the Os options in Access Server, the Information technology staff is able to cull a distribution they're already familiar with.
  • Access Server can exist configured to run in primary-secondary failover for LAN deployment to support the high availability needed for 24/7 operations.
  • OpenVPN Connect Client for Windows supports configuration of multiple connection profiles — which means switching betwixt dissimilar offices is quick and easy.
  • OpenVPN Connect Client for Windows and Access Server back up a special connectedness profile called 'auto-login'; this allows users to connect without needing to enter a username/password. Authentication is solely based on security certificates. This tin can speed up the connection setup when the Captioner needs to redirect to a different facility to minimize caption loss.

That's the solution they need. That's Access Server.

So how can y'all get started?

How To Fix VPN For Remote Access

It's elementary.

Just install Access Server on the network, and then connect your device with our Connect client.

Access Server will take incoming connections from internet simply if that device and user has the correct access code and certifications necessary. One time it'southward gear up up correctly, you can connect your laptop, phone, tablet, or even remote desktop — direct to your office.

Your data is secure; outsiders can't overhear or spy. That'southward a remote VPN connection, which stands for Virtual Individual Network.

  • Information technology's virtual — in the sense that it's purely software solution. You won't demand modems or routers or cables to go started; its software-based and completely virtual.
  • It's individual — so no one else can see your information.
  • It's your own network — which means you can transfer information, files, pics, and anything else y'all might need.

Using that VPN tunnel, you can access the files that are in the role, from home or from your phone or tablet — anywhere. That'south how it works. You can connect a device that'south on the other side of the world, and feel like you're logging in direct to your office network.

Deploying Admission Server

To establish remote access for your team, you need to deploy Admission Server and at to the lowest degree one client, via our OpenVPN customer or Connect customer.

To deploy Admission Server, you tin can:

  • Deploy information technology yourself, using our Quick Outset Guide.
  • Deploy a gear up-to-launch instance on Amazon Spider web Services
  • Deploy a ready-to-launch instance on Microsoft Azure
  • Deploy a ready-to-launch instance on Google Deject
  • Deploy a gear up-to-launch instance on Digital Ocean
  • Deploy a ready-to-launch instance on Oracle
  • Explore some of our more detailed self-deployment options.

Once y'all have Access Server, you and then but connect a device via 1 of our clients. On mobile platforms, we have apps for Android and iOS, simply you lot can likewise get started on Mac, Linux, or Windows.