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How Do You Use a Lever in Minecraft Pocket Edition

A lever is a non-solid block that can provide switchable redstone power.


  • 1 Occurrence
    • 1.1 Natural generation
  • 2 Obtaining
    • 2.1 Breaking
    • 2.2 Crafting
  • 3 Usage
    • 3.1 Placement
    • 3.2 Activation
    • 3.3 Behavior
  • 4 Sounds
    • 4.1 Generic
    • 4.2 Unique
  • 5 Data values
    • 5.1 ID
    • 5.2 Metadata
    • 5.3 Block states
  • 6 Video
  • 7 History
  • 8 Issues
  • 9 References

Occurrence [ ]

Natural generation [ ]

Three levers are generated naturally in each jungle temple. They also generate in woodland mansions.

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

Levers can be mined using any tool, or without a tool.

Block Lever
Hardness 0.5
Breaking time
Default 0.75

A lever is also removed and drops itself as an item if:

  • its attachment block is moved, removed, or destroyed
  • water or lava flows into its space, in Java Edition
  • a piston tries to push it or moves a block into its space

Crafting [ ]

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Stick +

Usage [ ]

Five of the eight possible orientations, levers off.

A lever can be used as a player-switchable redstone power source.

Placement [ ]

A lever can be attached to the top, side, or bottom of any full solid opaque block (stone, dirt, blocks of gold, etc.), or to the top of an upside-down slab or upside-down stairs (but not to the bottom of a right-side-up slab or stairs). When placed on the top or bottom of a block, the lever orients itself in-line with the placing player.

In Bedrock Edition, it can additionally be placed on the top of a fence, stone wall or hopper, and can be placed underwater.

When placed on the side of blocks, down is on and up is off. On the top or bottom of blocks, off is north or west, on is south or east.

Activation [ ]

To activate or deactivate a lever, use the "Use Item/Place Block" control (right-click, by default). A lever can be turned on and off as fast as it can be clicked.

Mobs cannot turn a lever on or off.

Behavior [ ]

While active, a lever:

  • powers any adjacent redstone dust (including beneath the lever) to power level 15
  • powers any adjacent redstone comparator or redstone repeater facing away from the lever to power level 15
  • strongly powers its attachment block to power level 15 (only if the attachment block is a full solid opaque block)
  • activates any adjacent mechanism components, including above or below, such as pistons, redstone lamps, etc.
  • emits redstone particles to indicate that it is active (in Java Edition).

Sounds [ ]

Generic [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.wood.break subtitles.block.generic.break 1.0 0.8 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage block.wood.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.wood.hit subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.wood.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the block has broken dig.wood 1.0 0.8
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.wood 0.4 1.0
? Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.wood 0.23 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block jump.wood 0.12 1.0
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage land.wood 0.18 1.0
? Blocks Walking on the block step.wood 0.3 1.0
? Blocks When the block is placed use.wood 1.0 0.8

Unique [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Lever clicks Blocks Activating the block[sound 1] 0.3 0.6 16
Lever clicks Blocks Deactivating the block[sound 1] 0.3 0.5 16
  1. a b The lever uses the same sound event for both turning on and off. This has been reported on mojira: MC-177454.

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Resource location Form Translation key
Lever lever Block & Item block.minecraft.lever

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Lever lever 69 Block & Item

Metadata [ ]

In Bedrock Edition, a lever's block data stores its orientation, and whether it is active:

Bits Values

A three-bit field storing a value from 0 to 7:

  • 0: Lever on block bottom points east when off.
  • 1: Lever on block side facing east
  • 2: Lever on block side facing west
  • 3: Lever on block side facing south
  • 4: Lever on block side facing north
  • 5: Lever on block top points south when off.
  • 6: Lever on block top points east when off.
  • 7: Lever on block bottom points south when off.
0x8 If this bit is set, the lever is active.

Block states [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
face wall ceiling
The face of the block the lever placed on.
Floor is on top of a block, ceiling is on the bottom, and wall is on one of its sides.
facing north east
The direction the lever is facing.
Opposite to the direction the player is facing if placed on the side of a block.
powered false false
If true, the lever is currently activated.

Bedrock Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
open_bit 0 0
If the lever is currently activated.
lever_direction ? 0
The direction the lever is facing.
Opposite to the direction the player is facing if placed on the side of a block.

Video [ ]

History [ ]

This section is missing information about 14w25a possible AO change.

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition Classic
May 21, 2009 Notch shows interest in adding levers.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.1 Floor Lever (N) JE1.png Blank.png Blank.png Floor Lever (W) JE1.png
Wall Lever (N) JE1.png Wall Lever (E) JE1.png Wall Lever (S) JE1.png Wall Lever (W) JE1.png
Ceiling Lever (N) JE1.png Blank.png Blank.png Ceiling Lever (W) JE1.png
Powered Floor Lever (N) JE1.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Floor Lever (W) JE1.png
Powered Wall Lever (N) JE1.png Powered Wall Lever (E) JE1.png Powered Wall Lever (S) JE1.png Powered Wall Lever (W) JE1.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE1.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE1.png
Added levers. The data values which would in future be used for ceiling levers had a large cobblestone cuboid in the middle, and floor and "ceiling" levers only existed in north- and west-facing forms.
Java Edition Beta
1.7 Floor Lever (N) JE2.png Blank.png Blank.png Floor Lever (W) JE2.png
Wall Lever (N) JE2.png Wall Lever (E) JE2.png Wall Lever (S) JE2 BE1.png Wall Lever (W) JE2.png
Ceiling Lever (N) JE2.png Blank.png Blank.png Ceiling Lever (W) JE2.png
Powered Floor Lever (N) JE2.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Floor Lever (W) JE2.png
Powered Wall Lever (N) JE2.png Powered Wall Lever (E) JE2.png Powered Wall Lever (S) JE2.png Powered Wall Lever (W) JE2.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE2.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE2.png
Due to the change of the cobblestone texture, the texture of levers has been updated.
Java Edition
1.3.1 12w22a Levers now generate in jungle temples.
12w24a Ceiling Lever (N) JE3.png Blank.png Blank.png Ceiling Lever (W) JE3.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE3.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE3.png
Levers can now be placed upside down (on the underside of a block), changing those data values of levers accordingly.
1.5 13w03a Lever orientation is no longer random.
1.8 14w10a Floor Lever (N) JE3.png Blank.png Blank.png Floor Lever (W) JE3.png
Wall Lever (N) JE3.png Wall Lever (E) JE3.png Wall Lever (S) JE3.png Wall Lever (W) JE3.png
Ceiling Lever (N) JE4.png Blank.png Blank.png Ceiling Lever (W) JE4.png
Powered Floor Lever (N) JE3.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Floor Lever (W) JE3.png
Powered Wall Lever (N) JE3.png Powered Wall Lever (E) JE3.png Powered Wall Lever (S) JE3.png Powered Wall Lever (W) JE3.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE4.png Blank.png Blank.png Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE4.png
Lever models have changed - the UV is now different.
1.11 16w39a Levers now generate in woodland mansions.
1.13 17w47a Floor Lever (E) JE1.png Floor Lever (S) JE1.png
Ceiling Lever (E) JE1.png Ceiling Lever (S) JE1.png
Powered Floor Lever (E) JE1.png Powered Floor Lever (S) JE1.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (E) JE1.png Powered Ceiling Lever (S) JE1.png
Floor and ceiling levers can now be placed facing east or south. This changes the texture rotation.
Flicking a lever on now displays redstone particles.
Levers can no longer be placed on top of pistons.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 69.
1.14 18w43a Floor Lever (N) JE4.png Floor Lever (E) JE2.png Floor Lever (S) JE2.png Floor Lever (W) JE4.png
Wall Lever (N) JE4.png Wall Lever (E) JE4.png Wall Lever (S) JE4.png Wall Lever (W) JE4.png
Ceiling Lever (N) JE5.png Ceiling Lever (E) JE2.png Ceiling Lever (S) JE2.png Ceiling Lever (W) JE5.png
Powered Floor Lever (N) JE4.png Powered Floor Lever (E) JE2.png Powered Floor Lever (S) JE2.png Powered Floor Lever (W) JE4.png
Powered Wall Lever (N) JE4.png Powered Wall Lever (E) JE4.png Powered Wall Lever (S) JE4.png Powered Wall Lever (W) JE4.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE5.png Powered Ceiling Lever (E) JE2.png Powered Ceiling Lever (S) JE2.png Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE5.png
The textures used by levers have changed.
18w50a Floor Lever (N) JE5.png Floor Lever (E) JE3.png Floor Lever (S) JE3.png Floor Lever (W) JE5.png
Wall Lever (N) JE5.png Wall Lever (E) JE5.png Wall Lever (S) JE5 BE2.png Wall Lever (W) JE5.png
Ceiling Lever (N) JE6.png Ceiling Lever (E) JE3.png Ceiling Lever (S) JE3.png Ceiling Lever (W) JE6.png
Powered Floor Lever (N) JE5.png Powered Floor Lever (E) JE3.png Powered Floor Lever (S) JE3.png Powered Floor Lever (W) JE5.png
Powered Wall Lever (N) JE5.png Powered Wall Lever (E) JE5.png Powered Wall Lever (S) JE5 BE2.png Powered Wall Lever (W) JE5.png
Powered Ceiling Lever (N) JE6.png Powered Ceiling Lever (E) JE3.png Powered Ceiling Lever (S) JE3.png Powered Ceiling Lever (W) JE6.png
The cobblestone texture has changed, changing levers as well.
19w03c Levers now use correct cullface arguments, and a redundant face (internal end of the handle; visible only from within) was deleted.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.13.0 build 1 Wall Lever (S) JE2 BE1.png [ verify ] Added levers.
v0.15.0 build 1 Levers now generate in jungle temples.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0 alpha Levers now generate in woodland mansions.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0 beta Wall Lever (S) JE5 BE2.png [ verify ] The texture of levers has been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Wall Lever (S) JE2 BE1.png [ verify ] Added levers.
TU14 1.04 Levers can now be placed upside down (on the underside of a block).
1.90 Wall Lever (S) JE5 BE2.png [ verify ] The texture of levers has been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Wall Lever (S) JE2 BE1.png [ verify ] Added levers.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Lever" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

References [ ]

How Do You Use a Lever in Minecraft Pocket Edition
